Yes on 3
Transgender rights were under attack. We set out to increase advocacy and conversation for the Yes on 3 effort to uphold transgender rights in Massachusetts.
BE A Masshole not AN asshole
How do you get a segment of Massachusetts voters who are less likely to agree with the LGBTQ movement to advocate for and vote to uphold transgender rights? You remind them what being a Masshole (a derogatory nickname for a Massachusetts resident) is actually about. Redefining the term “Masshole” as the champion of civil liberties, our social film reminded Massachusetts citizens, especially men and 18–35, that only a real asshole would deny rights to their neighbors. “Be a Masshole, Not an Asshole” increased conversation and advocacy among an unlikely audience, helping uphold transgender rights during the 2018 midterm elections.
The Challenge: Increase advocacy for the effort to uphold transgender rights in Massachusetts among an audience less likely to support it.
The Insight: The value that binds all Massachusetts citizens: the freedom to be and do whatever the fuck we want.
The Idea: Harness and redefine the term “Masshole” as the champion of civil liberties.
Bringing the Idea to Life: “Be a Masshole, Not an Asshole” reminded Massachusetts citizens that only a real asshole would deny rights to their neighbors.
Results: A movement that increased advocacy and conversation in support of upholding transgender rights and the critical result: a YES vote.