
Nuveen was doing responsible investing and ESG long before it was a buzz word in asset management. In fact, they were founded on it. What was a trend to everybody else, was their standard. That’s cool, we thought. A company that’s been investing by example since day one.

Rerank the rich

Established in 1898, Nuveen (an asset management firm) was founded on an investing philosophy designed to drive returns and positive societal impact with every dollar invested. It’s an example the brand lives to this day — but gets no credit for. Reclaiming the brand’s leadership meant partnering with Forbes to reinvent its most iconic property, the Forbes 400 list of America’s top billionaires, reranking it by philanthropic giving rather than net worth. “Rerank the Rich” shifted the ultimate symbol of modern wealth, and perceptions of Nuveen, with lifts in favorability (+13.4%), recommendation (+2.2%) and earning $12.4M worth of media.

The Challenge: Drive reappraisal of Nuveen by proving its leadership to cynical Financial Advisors and Institutional Investors.

The Insight: Leaders don’t just set trends, they set standards.

The Idea: Set a new standard for the definition of wealth in America as impact created rather than the amount accrued.

Bringing the Idea to Life: “Rerank the Rich” established a new leadership standard by reranking the Forbes 400 List on philanthropic giving vs. net worth.

Results: +13.4% lift in brand favorability, +2.2% lift in brand recommendation and $12.4M worth of earned media.

Investing by example

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